Hi, I'm Chelsea.

Mother, nurse, photographer, iced coffee addict.

I have an extremely patient husband, two spunky and sweet little girls, and a slightly neurotic dog. That being said, I love them all.

My interest in photography began in my teen years, but my true desire to pursue this came after my first daughter was born. Like many, I wanted to capture every fleeting moment and memory. With that being said, I had my struggles. I'm particularly very open about my experience with postpartum depression and anxiety.

My postpartum struggles took away my first years of motherhood from me, which is why I'm a strong advocate for pre and postpartum mental health. My biggest regret is not being in the frame with my family. This is why I'm here. I want to encourage you to let go. Let go and be present with your family. Time is fleeting.

"One day all your children will have are pictures of you. Make sure you're in them. No matter what your hair looks like, your makeup, or your body. They won't care about any of that. They'll just want to see you."